L’île Aux Enfant – LAE Montessori School is a pre-school & nursery located on the west coast at Cascavelle in Mauritius and is part of the UniCiti Education Hub. The school contacted our team for an ambitious project of revamping their website and to implement strategies to allow them to slowly embrace technology in their daily running of the school.

The website is available in both French & English at the click of a button and features a looping welcome video on its landing page. The LAE team also required several custom-made contact forms to address the specific needs of their clients. These contact forms are then linked to a custom dashboard and monitoring system craeted in partnership with Exceleaders. The whole system helps the school manage its registration process, student evaluation and many other aspects of the business to help reduce paperwork with an aim to go completely paperless in the future.

Other aspects of the website are a detailed rates card, google maps integration, a dedicated parent zone and a 360° virtual tour of the school.
